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Coating being applied to the foundation of a home to provide basement waterproofing

The Problem of a Damp Basement

If you are describing a basement, what words come to mind? Common adjectives people use for basements include words like dank, damp, and musty, but that is not ideal. Unfortunately, damp basements are a common problem. Why? Basements are extremely susceptible to moisture, and this can mean big problems for a house. If your basement is damp, you run the risk of mold and mildew growth, pest intrusion, and even structural damage. Fortunately, modern basement waterproofing techniques can be used to keep your basement dry, safe,  and in good condition.

Why Waterproofing Your Basement Matters

Whether you use your basement for storage or you are planning to finish it for additional living space, it is important to start with a dry basement. Having a dry basement protects your health and helps keep your home safe, in several ways. First, when your basement is dry, your studs, joists, beams, and columns will remain in good shape, but a wet basement can weaken these structural elements. This compromises the structural integrity of the house and can lead to the need for costly repairs. Keeping your basement dry also inhibits mold growth, which creates a healthier environment, with fewer respiratory issues and allergies. Additionally, the air quality in your home will be better if your basement is dry. The air in a damp basement will be musty and full of contaminants, and this air will circulate into your home. Keeping your basement dry improves the air throughout your home.

What Causes a Damp Basement?

Sometimes, the moisture in your basement starts inside and leaks into the basement because of a leaky pipe or malfunctioning appliance. Condensation can also be a cause of a damp basement, occurring when warm, humid air meets cooler surfaces like basement walls and condenses into water droplets. Most of the time, though, the water gets in from outside.  Hydrostatic pressure can cause cracks in your foundation or basement walls, allowing water to seep through. Improper grading of your landscaping and poorly maintained gutters can direct water to your foundation, causing it to leak into the basement. Sometimes, water can get into the basement through the windows and doors, or it can come up from the groundwater, through the basement floor.

Basement Waterproofing Methods

How do you solve these problems and keep your basement dry? Enlisting the help of a professional waterproofing contractor can help you find a waterproofing solution for basement moisture that will be effective and long-lasting. Whether you do it yourself or hire a professional, there are some strategies that will keep your basement dry.

  • Get rid of cracks. Filling in the cracks in your foundation walls can be done from the inside of the basement, so that the soil around the foundation need not be excavated. Hydraulic cement can be used, and it will expand to fill the cracks. Liquid polyurethane or epoxy can be injected into the cracks, and it will harden and create a waterproof barrier. However, filling in the cracks will not address the underlying issues that caused the crack in the first place. What’s more, only small cracks can be filled, as this method is ineffective on larger cracks.
  • Seal the walls, inside and out. Painting the walls with an interior sealant can create a waterproof barrier and prevent water from seeping into the basement. However, this only protects against minor damage and does not address the cause of the seepage. The exterior walls can be sealed with a waterproof coating, for extra moisture protection, but this involves excavating the foundation, so it should be professionally done. Waterproofing the exterior walls, though disruptive and expensive, is the most reliable waterproofing method to protect against water infiltration into the basement.
  • Install drainage systems, inside and outside. One way to remove water from a basement is to install a French drain in the floor of the basement that diverts water into a sump basin. Any water that enters the basement through the walls or floor will go into this drainage system and then be pumped out of the basement using a sump pump. The sump pump automatically turns on when the water levels reach a certain point, so this is great protection from the kind of water intrusion you might get in a basement that floods during a storm. A French drain can also be installed outside, to carry water away from the basement walls.
  • Improve your landscaping to keep water away from the foundation. Make sure your yard is graded in such a way that water flows away from the house, rather than towards it. This is a project you can do on your own, simply by moving dirt and changing the slope around your house. If you have flower beds and mulch against the foundation of your home, consider moving them. Mulch retains moisture, flower beds require a lot of water, and the combination can increase the chance of water getting into your basement.
  • Mind the gutters and downspouts. The purpose of gutters and downspouts is to catch the roof water runoff and direct it away from the foundation of your home. If your gutters are clogged or your downspouts do not empty far enough away from your home, they can direct water towards your foundation instead. Repairing or replacing your gutters, adding extensions to your downspouts, and keeping the system well-maintained can go a long way towards keeping moisture out of your basement.

Trust the Experts for Basement Waterproofing

The best thing you can do to keep your basement dry is to enlist the help of a professional waterproofing company. When you are looking for advanced basement waterproofing solutions, turn to a company that knows how to waterproof a basement and has the necessary expertise and skills to do the job properly and efficiently. If you are looking for a Maryland company with extensive knowledge and years of experience in basement waterproofing and more, look to Budget Waterproofing. At Budget Waterproofing, we’ve got more than 55 years of experience servicing both commercial and residential customers throughout Maryland. We’re proud of our craftsmanship and confident in our skills, and all of our technicians are fully licensed and insured. We also hold an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau of Maryland. Whether you need foundation repair, basement waterproofing, a drainage system, crawl space waterproofing, sump pump maintenance, mold removal, or egress window installation, we’ve got you covered, with the experience and skills necessary to improve your basement and protect your property today and in the future. For more information, call 410.690.4970 or contact us through our website.